Public School Graduation Rate

The graduation rate is the percentage of high schoolers who obtain their high school diploma after four years of study. Matriculation from high school is very important for future success, as it opens the door to a much broader set of college and career opportunities than are available to those who do not graduate. Earnings are also much higher among high school and college graduates than those who drop out of high school. While five-year graduation rates are available, they are not very different than four-year rates. The data below pertain to students enrolled in public schools.

Trends Over Time

The JCPS graduation rate has increased to 82.3% since 2013. While this rate is trending in a positive direction, JCPS continues to lag behind almost all Kentucky public school districts.

Trends by Race

The graph shows that the gaps between racial groups and between JCPS students and KY public school students have not decreased since 2013.  Across all racial groups, KY public school students are graduating at higher rates than their JCPS counterparts.

Differences Based on Sex

The gap between males and females persists both in JCPS and in KY public schools. Male and female students in KY public schools are graduating at higher rates than their JCPS counterparts.  Across KY and in JCPS, females graduate at much higher rates than males.

Differences Based on Free or Reduced Lunch Status

Across Kentucky, students who are eligible for free/reduced lunch graduate at a lower rate than students who are not, however that is not true of JCPS, where students receiving free/reduced lunch graduate at a higher rate than their counterparts from families with higher incomes.

Explore the Data by School