Where are the Graduate or Professional Degrees in Louisville?
While nearly 14% of working age adults hold graduate or professional degrees in Louisville, the prevalence of degrees varies substantially across the city. In the map to the left, areas where more working age adults have post-baccalaureate degrees are purple, while areas where fewer working age adults hold post-baccalaureate degrees are blue and white. Similar to other maps of post-secondary degrees, there is a distinct divide between western and eastern Louisville.
Post-baccalaureate educational achievement is most concentrated Southeast Louisville where over 42% of the working age adult population have a graduate or professional degree. Conversely, the lowest concentration of earned post-baccalaureate degrees can be seen in the Portland, Russell and South Louisville neighborhoods, where less than 1% of working age adults have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher.
Scroll over the map to see values for each census tract. Zoom in to see street names that form that boundaries of each tract.